POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : image_pattern : Re: image_pattern Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:21:07 EST (-0500)
  Re: image_pattern  
From: Fabian Brau
Date: 26 Jan 2000 12:33:30
Message: <388F30B7.B024EBDD@umh.ac.be>
Ken wrote:
> Fabian Brau wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > someone can tell me the difference between image_pattern and
> > material_map? What can image_pattern do that material_map cannot?
> > A simple example would be cool :)
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Fabian.
> That was the very first question asked in this group when it was new.
> I know because I asked it :)
>  The answer that Nathan gave me was -
> This was made for Thomas Baier for use with 3DS to POV conversions.  Let's
> say you have two textures, and you want to use a black and white image
> to fade between the two textures.  Now lets say all you have to work with
> is material_map.  That would be a lot of work.  If you only wanted to use
> two textures (no fading between), that would be easy, but since material_map
> uses indices and single textures, fading would be very difficult and you'd
> have a lot of "average{ texture_map { [0.5 t1] [0.4 t2] }}" statements.
> You could put it in a while loop, but that would still be a lot of extra
> work.
> Now, on the other hand, if you have image_pattern, you can use texture_map
> instead of material_map, and just use the image as your image_pattern.
> Simple.  Fast.  Saves memory (no need for 256 textures for those 256
> shades of grey).

Yes but one can use a gif with only 2 color define in the palette. 
But I feel that I don't understand yet this feature. I certainly need 
an example to see the advantage of this :)



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